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The next generation photogrammetry camera 

Achieve the remarkable feat of producing a dual-arch 3D printed provisional in just one hour following surgery. By ensuring complete arch compatibility, the MicronMapper significantly reduces expenses and time, while also removing the necessity for verification jigs.


Explore the benefits of integrating the MicronMapper into a digital model-free workflow


Experience unparalleled precision with our advanced technology, ensuring the exact measurement of implant positions critical for flawless dental restorations. Achieve optimal fit and functionality for every prosthetic with confidence.


Embrace seamless collaboration between dental professionals, fostering improved treatment planning and execution. The digital precision of MicronMapper measurements enhances communication among oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and dental lab technicians.


Say goodbye to traditional dental models! With the MicronMapper's precise measurements, eliminate the need for physical models, saving time and costs. Reduce chair time and overall treatment duration, delivering efficient and cost-effective solutions.


Designed with simplicity in mind, our device offers ease of use for dental professionals. With minimal input requirements, streamline data collection by simply entering the patient's name and specifying the jaw. Effortlessly gather accurate data in no time.


Our device simplifies your workflow by utilizing dual-purpose scan bodies for both photogrammetry and soft tissue scans. This unified approach enhances efficiency, streamlining the scanning process for dental professionals.


Prioritize patient comfort with our model-less workflow, reducing the need for multiple appointments and impressions. Enhance the overall experience with a more convenient and comfortable treatment process.

Photogrammetry + Dynamic Navigation

Also explore our integrated dental photogrammetry solution, seamlessly integrated into our dynamic navigation system, Navident. Click the button below to learn more about how this innovative technology enhances precision and efficiency in dental procedures.

A breakthrough in computer aided dental surgery, Navident offers the dental surgeon an easy to use, accurate, portable and affordable way to place desired restorations, implants, canals access or jaw surgeries on a virtual patient and execute that plan on the real patient.

Learn more about MicronMapper